8 Tips to Boost Holiday Sales and Conversions

Tips to Boost Holiday Sales and Conversions

Practical Tips to Boost Your Holiday Sales

Prepare yourselves! It's the most profitable time of year for internet vendors and marketers. As we approach one festival after another - Halloween, Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Christmas, New Year's, and a few more - it's time to get your online business ready to capitalize on this year's holiday season. You may have already made preparations such as strategy and catalog listing, but we are here to give a few hands-on tips to boost holiday sales and conversions. Implementing these suggestions will increase your online sales.So, in this blog article, we will discuss ten practical techniques for increasing sales. Let's get right to it.

Gauravgo imageYou’ve probably seen actual brick-and-mortar establishments adorned for festivals in order to make them more relevant and attractive for the holidays.

The similar method should be used in eCommerce. Your website is the online version of your physical store. As a result, you should give it a festive appearance and feel to let your consumers know you’re ready for the holidays.

It’s also ideal for sharing seasonal promotions with your consumers. One thing to bear in mind is that your website should be easy to access on a mobile device.

Gauravgo imageSocial networking may be a valuable tool for any business. Every day, users spend more than 2 hours on social media, with nearly a fifth of them primarily using it for shopping.

This creates a tremendous opportunity for sellers.

So, if you have a sizable social media following, the holidays might be a wonderful time to increase brand loyalty and sales.

You may thank your social media fans and urge them to keep spreading the news by offering them unique incentives.

You may also contact certain of your social media fans and offer them unique discount offers. This will not only help you generate leads, but it will also help you earn popularity and pleased consumers.

Gauravgo imageThe Christmas season is an excellent time to arrange themed activities and tournaments. So, the second advice is to engage your consumers in entertaining, unique contests and reward them for winning.

Here are some fun contest ideas for you to consider:

  • Award rewards for the best Christmas photo submissions, with a related wardrobe item required.
  • Increase brand exposure by arranging a giveaway and inviting consumers to take part in a social media tag campaign.
  • Request that your audience offer their artwork, poems, songs, images, or films.
  • Request that consumers contribute karaoke videos of the Christmas tune.
  • Encourage people to share user-generated content (UGC).

Gauravgo imageVideo marketing is on the increase, and it is becoming increasingly effective for marketers in terms of lead generation. According to one study, video marketing helped 87% of marketers boost traffic and 82% of marketers improve dwell time. So, this Christmas season, employ behind-the-scenes films to let people connect with your company more deeply. Showcase your company’s human face by employing reels, shorts, or a video collage to provide a glimpse inside your company’s backend operations. Explainer movies or gifs may also be used to provide a product walkthrough or to present a product teaser. It will not only attract attention, but it will also enhance the click-through rate on your online business.

Gauravgo imageBy grouping a few things that go well together as a present, you may assist your clients simplify their purchase decision.

Making gift bundles is a win-win situation for both your consumers and yourself. Your company will gain from increased cart values, while your clients will benefit from having one fewer decision to make and so saving mental energy.

You may also provide people the option of generating bespoke packages on their own.

Check out this gift package from Duluth Pack, a company that makes outdoor gear and apparel.

You may not make a lot of money on gift packages, but you will sell a lot more things if you use this method. So, another victory for you.

Gauravgo imageBusinesses frequently use techniques to generate a sense of urgency and drive customers to make an urgent purchase.

Giving clients exclusive deals and discounts with a countdown is one such example. Customers experience FOMO (fear of missing out), which creates a sense of urgency.

This results in increased conversion rates since buyers buy the items sooner rather than later.

Gauravgo imageSome of your platform’s best-selling goods are likely to be popular with other audiences as well. Because these goods are purchased by many comparable clients throughout the year, promoting them in front of every visitor will boost your chances of generating a sale.

Your best-selling items have already shown their worth. As a result, displaying them frequently will attract more customers and enhance conversions.

Gauravgo imageThis is one of the tactics you should attempt. The principle is simple: instead of attempting to target or entice every single customer, concentrate on your core market.

This may lower impressions and target market size, but it will result in increased conversions and consequently earnings. Better sales will arise from your audience’s interest in your services as opposed to any arbitrary specialty.

Gauravgo imageThe holiday season is an excellent time for retailers to increase their sales. It’s the finest time of year, when shoppers relax their purse strings in preparation for holiday shopping.

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PC / Windows Only
Multi Language Support

bhoomiputraThis game “Bhoomiputra” is dedicated to our former Chief Minister, Lt. Biju Patnaik. In 1947, Biju Patnaik, an excellent pilot, flew the Dakota to Java with his wife Gyan Patnaik, herself a pilot, to rescue Sultan Sjahrir and Achmad Sukarno, Indonesian liberation fighters, from a forest hiding. The entire tale is told through the game Bhoomiputra. We want people to be aware of how he contributed to the Indonesian resistance movement through this game.

Biju Babu was also essential in Indonesia’s fight for independence from the Dutch in 1947. Despite the prospect of his jet being shot down by the Dutch Colonial authorities, he flew to India the leaders of the Indonesian liberation fight. The colonial Dutch, who had complete control over Indonesian sea and air channels, kept Indonesian Prime Minister Sutan Sjahrir under surveillance and refused to allow him leave the nation. Nehru assigned the responsibility of rescuing Sutan Sjahrir to Biju Patnaik, a skilled pilot known for his love of daring accomplishments. Biju Patnaik jumped into action right away.

Biju Babu, an enthusiastic reader of Kalinga history, understood how Kalinga and Indonesia had a long-standing cultural relationship in the past, and now was the opportunity to help the people of Indonesia in their time of need. He faced all dangers to fly to Java and bring Sutan Sjahrir and his team onboard on 22 July 1947 by his own Dacota to Singapore, and eventually to Delhi, where Sjahrir met Jawaharlal Nehru. An indebted Indonesia bestowed the highest civilian honour, the Bhumi Putra, to this courageous individual, and it is even reported that the Indonesian government gave him a large plot of land, which he graciously declined.


The complete game “BHOOMIPUTRA” revolves around the storyline of indonesian war with dutch at the time of independence and the key role of great person Biju Patnaik in rescuing the then prime prime minister and vice president of Indonesia.

How he flewed his humsafar plane Dakota and accepted the challenge to move to Indonesia in the war time.What are the severe challenges he faced in his complete war journey,all storyline in is dipicted in the form of this game BHOOMIPUTRA.

The game is having three levels namely Jakarta Calling , Baliyatra and the final Bhoomiputra. All levels have different challenges and missions,the players who play the game have to pass all the missions successfully to get on the next level,and in the mean time of playing the player always feels the taste of nationalism,and contribution of Biju Babu in the war , which makes them feel proud.

Core Developers Team  :

  1. Dipesh Gaurav
  2. Swarupanandan Jena
  3. Sriman Rabisankar Dash
  4. Shivam kumar

Volunteers :

Om Sharma , Sonu Dayal , Vaishnavi Shelkhe , Afrin Khan , Rohit Singh , Mukund Kashyap, Saswat subhra Nayak, Pratyush kumar bal, Dibya Swain, Kalinga Kishor, Jyotirmayee baisakh, Shakti Prasad, Tapan Kumar, Kedar Narayana, Pravanjana Sathua, Sharada Shankar, Sagar Jha, Abdul Minhaz, Hitesh Kumar, Sandeep

Special Thanks :

Shakti Mohanty 

SENA: Strike and Encounter for Nation by Abhinandan: Best Game for PC of all time

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Strike & Encounter For Nation By Abhinandan

best game for pc of all time

The game “SENA” (Strike & Encounter For Nation By Abhinandan) centres around the plot of an air-strike carried out by the Indian Air Force and its millitants in retaliation for the pulwama assault carried out by the Pakistani terrorist outfit Jaish-e-Mohammad.On 14 February 2019, a convoy of cars transporting Indian security personnel on the Jammu-Srinagar National Highway was assaulted by a vehicle-borne suicide bomber in the Pulwama region of the former state of Jammu and Kashmir.

The attack murdered 40 Indian Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) officers as well as the culprit, Adil Ahmad Dar, a Pulwama-based Kashmiri youngster.To avenge the deaths in India, the Indian Air Force launched an air assault on an accused terrorist training camp in Balakot, Pakistan, on February 26, 2019.The next day, Pakistan knocked down an Indian warplane and captured its pilot.

Gauravgo image

The airstrike was carried out by India in the early morning hours of February 26 when Indian aeroplanes crossed the de facto boundary in the disputed region of Kashmir and dropped bombs near the town of Balakot in Pakistan’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.The Indian jets dropped their cargo on an unoccupied forested hilltop area near Balakot, according to Pakistan’s military, which was the first to declare the bombing on the morning of February 26.

Later that day, India confirmed the attack, describing it as a preventive strike against a terrorist training centre that killed a “large number” of terrorists.The next day, on 27 February, Pakistan replied with a tit-for-tat bombing, leading an Indian warplane to be knocked down and its pilot (Capt. Abhinandan Varthaman) to be taken captive by the Pakistan military until being released on 1 March.

Our airforce wing pilot “Sri Abhinandan Varthaman” is the main hero in the gameplay of SENA (greatest PC game of all time).The game is constructed in such a manner that it represents his whole journey, from the start of the struggle after the Pulwama assault for India, to his plane accident and landing in Pakistan, to his difficult survival in Pakistan, and eventually to his joyous return to India.We are glad to state that throughout the game, the player experiences a sense of nationalism or even adopts the role of a genuine “Abhinandan Sir” fighting terrorists for survival and attempting to escape.

Gauravgo image

We are all aware of “Abhinandan sir’s” gallantry in destroying the Hi-Tech 4th Generation F-16 Fighter jet with the assistance of a 3rd Generation MiG-21 Fighter jet deployed by Pakistan. However, as we all know, the Mig-21 was killed by an AMRAAM launched by a PAF F-16 approximately 45-50 seconds after his R-73 launch and about 7km within POK. Abhinandan sir jumped from the downed plane and parachuted to safety, landing 4 km distant from the LOC in Horan Kotla hamlet in POK.

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We are proud to report that SENA has received a lot of praise from the Government of India and the Government of Jharkhand for being the first PC game produced by students in the state.We have received praise from the PMO office, and our games are popular among young gamers in eastern India.It has received over 30,000 downloads to date and is well-known throughout the state.

 Dipesh Gaurav, Prahlad Kumar , Avinash Kumar ,Nitish Kumar ,Ragini Singh ,Rehana Khatoon , Gautam Kumar , Vikash Kumar Prajapati , Amit Kumar , Vikash Kumar  Mahto , Anmol Kumar , Jatin Singh , Akash Kumar , Shivam Kumar Jha, Shreya Mishra 



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