What is SSL & the key Importance of SSL Certificate ?

importance of ssl certificate

Importance of SSL Certificate for Your Website

Have you ever purchased a domain name and the registrar gave in a free SSL certificate? If you answered "yes," you may be asking what an SSL certificate is and why you need one. Acquiring an SSL certificate for a web page is critical, as you'll soon discover, especially if your site gathers data from users. This post will address all of your SSL certificate questions, including the many varieties, why you need one, and how to install one on your website.
Here we have information about Importance of SSL Certificate. Let's get started.

SSL is a security protocol that establishes an encrypted connection between a web server and a browser. It establishes a secure connection and prohibits third parties from accessing or altering sent data.

Website owners must get an SSL certificate from a Certificate Authority (CA). The CA will generate the certificate using the CSR, or Certificate Signing Request.

The certificate signing request (CSR) is an encrypted text created on the server where the certificate will be deployed. It contains information such as the domain name of the website, contact information, and the public key used to encrypt the data delivered.

When a visitor’s browser attempts to access the website, the web server sends a copy of the certificate to the browser for verification.

An SSL-secured connection will be created if the operation is successful. The website’s URL will begin with HTTPS, and depending on the browser, a padlock icon will appear in the address bar.

Having an SSL certificate protects more than just sensitive information. This section will go through other reasons why you require this digital certificate and what are the Importance of SSL Certificates :

There are several methods for making your website safe. Adding an SSL certificate adds an additional and critical layer of defence against malicious assaults.

Even if the website does not take transactions, you must safeguard users’ login credentials, addresses, and other personal information.

Websites that do not employ SSL certificates use HTTP, a text-based protocol, which makes it easier to intercept and read their communication. HTTPS encrypts data with cryptographic keys, giving more complicated security and making it impossible for potential adversaries to intercept data transmission.

As a result, the HTTPS protocol protects your website against digital risks including man-in-the-middle (MITM) assaults. These attacks occur when someone intercepts traffic between the server of the website and the client’s browser.

Attackers may steal information transmitted or redirect visitors to a phishing website, where they request login credentials or other sensitive information.

Even if an attacker intercepts your connection, having an SSL certificate assures that the information transferred cannot be decrypted.

It is critical to build trust with your consumers. Customers, especially those who do business online, want clear confirmation that it is safe to disclose their information. According to research, 17% of customers abandon their carts because they do not trust the website enough to provide their credit card information.

An SSL certificate informs users that they may share information with the website in a secure manner, encouraging them to utilise your service and putting you ahead of competitors who do not have one.

Furthermore, it assists visitors in determining who owns the website before logging in or supplying critical information.

Another benefit of having an SSL certificate is that it improves your SEO approach. Google and other search engines now include website security when calculating page rankings.

Google Chrome and other web browsers display a “Not Secure” warning notice on all non-SSL websites to notify visitors in order to ensure a safe web surfing experience.

Having an SSL certificate provides you an edge over competitors who do not have one, enhancing the ranking of your site on search engine results pages (SERPs).

All website owners should make installing an SSL certificate a high priority. Whether it gathers data or not, it is critical to give all website users with a worry-free surfing experience.

Let’s take a look at some of the most prevalent website kinds that require SSL certificates:

Customers make payments to online retailers, therefore guaranteeing secure data transit is critical. SSL encryption prevents unauthorised parties from simply intercepting information collected from your website and customers, such as usernames, passwords, and payment information.

Visitors visiting HTTP websites are advised not to provide any personal information, according to popular internet browsers such as Chrome and Safari. Customers are concerned that their credit card information may be stolen, causing them to abandon your online business.

Furthermore, because PCI rules involve encrypting the transfer of cardholder data across open networks, all websites that accept payments online must have an SSL certificate. To receive online payments, you can also employ a third-party SSL-certified payment processor like Paypal.

A portfolio website, for example, is susceptible in the same way that an eCommerce website is. When a prospective customer fills out a contact form, SSL encrypts the information so that hackers cannot access it.

It is vital for any public service body to secure the privacy of its consumers. Data entry forms must be protected to prevent thieves from eavesdropping or altering information.

Even if a static website does not collect data or accept money, the content must be secure because hackers can target anybody who views HTTP pages.

Security assaults have become more sophisticated as technology has improved. The average cost of a data breach in 2021, according to study, will be $4.24 million. Having an SSL certificate can aid in the prevention and mitigation of cyberattack threats (one of the major Importance of SSL Certificates).

Aside from financial damages, hackers may jeopardise the privacy of millions of users and harm a company’s brand. One example is the Equifax data leak.

In the United States, Equifax is a massive credit reporting organisation. They reported in September 2017 that its systems had been compromised, exposing the personal information of 148 million Americans. It was then discovered that their SSL certificates had expired.

To compensate consumers harmed by the data breach, the business agreed to a $425 million global settlement. However, quantifying the entire impact of data breaches on consumer trust and corporate reputation is challenging.

A website that attracts users from the European Union must also adhere to the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). It is essentially a regulation designed to safeguard EU residents’ personal information and internet privacy. Those that do not comply face fines of up to €20 million.

Determine which SSL certificate type best meets your website’s security demands and budget before purchasing one.

The installation of an SSL certificate is determined by how and where your website is hosted. Your hosting firm will usually offer to install an SSL certificate for you.

All of our hosting options at GauravGo include free SSL certificates. Users merely need to enter their hPanel to install them; the procedure will take only a few minutes.

Importance of SSL CertificateGauravGo Games Technologies is dedicated to offering high-quality SSL certificates to assist protect your website and its users’ data. GauravGo Games Technologies is the best choice for your SSL certificate needs because of our reasonable price, experienced assistance, simple certificate administration, rapid and easy installation, and enhanced website confidence.

How to create a portfolio website with WordPress

How to create a portfolio website with WordPress

How to create a portfolio website with WordPress

If you're looking for a way to create a portfolio website with WordPress that showcases your skills, experience, and talents, look no further than WordPress. It's a simple and powerful tool that can help you create a portfolio site in minutes. In this article, we'll walk through the steps of setting up your own WordPress site from scratch so you can see just how easy it can be!

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When selecting a WordPress host, keep the following four factors in mind:

  • Scalability: If you wish to explore additional initiatives in the future, your host should be able to manage demanding sites.
  • Security: A decent host should take online security seriously and provide security measures.
  • Support: This is crucial. If something goes wrong with your website, you’ll want to be able to contact a dependable support crew.
  • Reputation: Every web server has detractors, but in general, you should go with one that has an established track record.

GauravGo offers web hosting services to assist you in hosting your webpages. We believe in offering low-cost services with a money-back guarantee so that everyone who creates a website may host it. We also provide trial packs to new users.

This procedure may alter somewhat based on the web host you’ve chosen, but the core procedures stay the same. You’ll obtain access to a private cPanel for your hosting package after signing up with a provider. This will most likely involve a one-click installation of WordPress.

After clicking Install and after a few seconds, you’ll have your own WordPress site! Next, we’ll make it into a lovely portfolio.

This phase is a little more flexible than the rest of the course because we can’t choose the appropriate theme and plugins for your specific needs. We encourage you to search around for a theme that feels perfect for you. You can choose between a versatile theme (such as Zelle Pro) and a theme designed specifically for visual portfolios. You should be OK for so long as your theme has high ratings and documentation.

Now that we’ve got WordPress installed and a functional theme, it’s time to develop our portfolio page. The initial element will be a header – a basic full-width image featuring a clear message and an invitation to action for any prospective customers that visit your site.

The project portfolio is the core and soul of every WordPress portfolio site. It’s simply a collection of your most recent efforts, with links to each one. The Zelle theme has a Portfolio custom post type that allows you to upload new projects from the dashboard

We’re already making significant strides in our portfolio, but there’s still more to be done. An great method to achieve this is to provide your visitors some insight into who you are, such as the crucial information employers want to know about you.

Here are the actions you must take in the correct order:

  • Using the Sections order tab, add an Our emphasis section to your portfolio page.
  • Change the material under Header to “About Me” after entering the Our focus section.
  • Make three (or more) separate widgets in the Our focus area widgets. Each one should include a title, some content, and a picture from your WordPress multimedia library.

Now that you’ve attracted employers’ attention, it’s time to persuade them to get in touch with you. You could simply enter your email address, but a contact form looks a lot more professional.

The contact form offered in this part is ideal for our purposes; all we need to do is change the titles. We may accomplish this by using the Main content tab. Before proceeding to the last step, return to the Big title area, navigate to Content, and enter #contact under First button link. This is known as anchor text, and it connects your call to action to the contact form underneath it.
Here’s how to go about it. If we use Zelle, it has a Contact Us part, but if you like something different, we propose the WPForms plugin. If you’re using Zelle, go back to the Customizer and add a Contact Us part directly after About Me in the Sections order panel. Then go to Settings and input your email address in the appropriate area.


Take a minute to enjoy your work – we’ve just made a simple, professional-looking WordPress portfolio site together!
What happens next is entirely up to you. To begin, read up on everything you can do, whether it’s adding more projects, making distinct pages for each of them, or experimenting with new parts.

Following that, you’ll want to master some advanced ways for expanding your portfolio with the theme.

If you need help with creating a WordPress portfolio, we’re here to help! Our team of experts can create anything from scratch or customize an existing WordPress website. We have a range of resources that will allow you to get started on your own version of a modern portfolio site. Let us know how we can help by contacting us today!

We hope you’ve enjoyed this guide for your small business. If you follow these tips and have questions along the way, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to help!

Order a free hosting plan , you will also get a free sub-domain, SSL and one-click WordPress installer . Go with Gauravgo

Leave a comment below if you have any inquiries about our digital marketing advice.

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Gauravgo drag and drop website builder

drag and drop website builder

Drag and Drop Website Builder - How to create a Website in 10 minutes with Gauravgo

Website building has come a long way from the days when you had to know how to code in order to build a website. With the advent of drag and drop website builders, creating a website has become much easier, and anyone can now do it, regardless of their technical skills.

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Gauravgo is a free, no-code website builder that makes it possible for you to create a professional-looking website in just 10 minutes. With its intuitive drag and drop interface, you can simply click and drag elements onto your website, customizing it to your liking without having to write a single line of code. In this article, we will show you how you can use Gauravgo to build a website by Drag and Drop Website Builder in just 10 minutes.

The first step to creating a website with Gauravgo is to sign up for a free account on their website. This is a simple and straightforward process, and once you have completed the sign-up process, you will be taken to the Gauravgo dashboard.

Once you are in the Gauravgo dashboard, the next step is to choose a template that best fits your needs. Gauravgo has a vast library of templates that you can choose from, and each one of them is fully customizable. You can choose a template based on the type of website you want to create, such as a personal website, a portfolio, or a business website.

With the template chosen, the next step is to customize it to your liking. You can add your own content, images, and branding to the template, by Drag and Drop Website Builder, making it truly your own. Gauravgo makes it easy to add your own content, and you can do this simply by clicking on the element you want to change and entering your own content.

Once you have customized your template, the next step is to arrange the elements on your website using the drag and drop feature. This feature makes it easy to arrange elements on your website, and you can simply click and drag elements to the location where you want them to be. You can also add new elements to your website by clicking on the “Add” button in the Gauravgo dashboard.

Once you have arranged all the elements on your website, the next step is to preview your website to make sure everything looks good. You can preview your website by clicking on the “Preview” button in the Gauravgo dashboard. If everything looks good, the final step is to publish your website by clicking on the “Publish” button.

With Gauravgo, you can create a website that is both functional and visually appealing. Whether you want to create a personal website, a portfolio, or a business website, Gauravgo has got you covered. And if you need help, the Gauravgo support team is available 24/7 to assist you.

In conclusion, Gauravgo is a great choice for anyone who wants to build a website quickly and easily. With its drag and drop interface, no-code functionality, and easy-to-use features, you can have a website up and running in just 10 minutes. So why wait? Start building your website with Gauravgo today, and enjoy the freedom and flexibility of having a website without having

We hope you’ve enjoyed this guide for your small business. If you follow these tips and have questions along the way, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to help!

Order a free hosting plan , you will also get a free sub-domain, SSL and one-click WordPress installer . Go with Gauravgo

Leave a comment below if you have any inquiries about our digital marketing advice.

Suscribe our youtube channel to get more related content & tutorials .

How to start a startup

how to start a startup

How to start a startup

A startup is a company that starts up, often with the help of venture capital (VC), and grows rapidly. The goal is to create a product or service that appeals to an audience beyond its current customers.

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The time has come: you have an idea for a startup. Your friend is launching a new startup right now and he asks you to join his team. You are ready to commit, but what exactly needs to be done? The process of starting your own company is more complicated than it appears. In this article I will share with you all the steps that need to be taken not only by founders but also by those who want to help them!

Gauravgo imageIdentifying a problem and a solution is the initial phase in learning how to start a business. This is due to the fact that successful businesses begin with business concepts that meet the demands of a certain group of clients. However, your concept does not necessarily have to be novel. You may improve existing products or services to make them more appealing to customers. This may be as easy as:

  • Changing the look of the product
  • Introducing a new feature

Gauravgo imageOnce you have a concept, you should begin developing a business plan that thoroughly explains your products and services. It should contain details about your industry, operations, finances, and a market study.

Writing a company strategy is also necessary for obtaining startup funding. Banks are more inclined to lend to businesses that can clearly explain how they intend to utilise the funds and why they require them.

Gauravgo imageEvery business owner has a distinct beginning cost. Regardless of your costs, you’ll almost certainly require starting funding from:

  • Family and friends
  • Angel financiers
  • Investors in venture capital
  • Loans from banks

A company credit card can also be obtained. Many businesses offer 0% APR incentives, which means you won’t have to pay tax on your purchases if you pay off the debt before the offer period ends.

Starting a business may be fraught with danger. That is why you will want key business consultants to assist you along the path, such as:

  • Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) Attorneys
  • Professionals in the insurance industry
  • Bankers

Building the proper startup team is critical in the early stages of a small firm. This implies that you should choose your:

  • Co-founders Contractors
  • Initial employees, including those working remotely

Opening your ideal business may be a lot of fun, from creating your product to setting up your workspace. However, before you formally join the market, you need take the following legal actions to ensure your success:

  • Obtaining a business licence
  • Registering your company name
  • Obtaining a federal tax identification number
  • Obtaining a trademark
  • Establishing a separate bank account
  • Acquaint oneself with industry rules
  • Creating contracts for clients and others with whom you intend to collaborate

If you need to set up a manufacturing plant, an office space, or a storefront, you’ll need to decide if leasing or owning a property is the best option for you. In many circumstances, you may obtain tax breaks for operating a business property, which is one of the advantages of having your own place. You may even rent it out to get extra money.

However, one of the reasons entrepreneurs lease in the beginning is to invest their money in other elements of the business. Leasing may also be a less expensive means of getting your business into a great location. Keep in mind that rent costs might abruptly rise, forcing you to spend more or relocate. You will also not accumulate any equity when leasing.

Each firm must invest a varied amount of money and effort in marketing. It’s a crucial investment since it allows you to:

  • Create a brand identity
  • Stand out from the crowd
  • Build consumer relationships and loyalty
  • Increase your visibility to attract new consumers
  • Improve your company’s reputation

Some startup marketing initiatives to consider include:

  • Engaging clients using social media and promoting offers or deals
  • Giving away incentives for recommendations that result in increased business
  • In your store, provide complimentary samples or demonstrations
  • Sponsoring events to get your name out in the community

You’ll need to create a client base for your beginning firm to be successful in the long run. These devoted customers can assist with:

  • Increasing your revenue since customers are eager to continue spending at your firm
  • Demonstrating to potential buyers that your brand is trustworthy
  • Obtaining recommendations, which saves you time and effort in the search for new consumers

Here are some ideas for attracting and retaining customers:

  • Providing a fantastic product or service on a regular basis
  • Introducing loyalty programmes to keep people coming back
  • Using social media affiliate marketing, which is paying influencers to promote things to your target demographic
  • Concentrating on excellent customer service
  • Utilising market research to better grasp your clients’ expectations
  • Directly soliciting client feedback

Startups undergo dramatic transformations within their first several years of existence. The ability to modify and adapt your company model to your market and sector is critical to success.

Some techniques to ensure you’re ready to adapt include:

  • Hiring forward-thinkers ensures that your company is adaptive
  • Listening to input from clients, suppliers, and those with whom you deal
  • Keeping up with industry trends

Remember that firms who are willing to adapt to changing consumer expectations will be able to thrive for years to come.

Gauravgo imageA startup is a business that begins with venture capital (VC) and rapidly expands. The objective is to develop a product or service that appeals to a wider audience than the company’s present consumers.

We hope you found our small company information useful. If you follow these suggestions and have any issues along the road, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re here to assist!

When you get a free hosting plan, you will also receive a free subdomain, SSL, and a one-click WordPress installer. GauravGo is the way to go.

If you have any questions concerning our digital marketing guidance, please leave a comment below.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more relevant information and lessons.

How to create a WordPress website – Easy

how to create a WordPress website

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  • Choose a domain name that is easy to remember and spell or order a free sub-domain from Gauravgo.

  • Check if the domain name is available, as many websites have been taken by other companies and individuals. Make sure you choose a short, memorable and relevant domain name so it doesn’t get confusing later on!

The next step is choosing a web hosting provider. There are many options out there, but you should look for three things:

  • Reliability – how long has the company been in business? What kind of support can they give you if something goes wrong? Do they have any history of slow response times or downtime?

  • Security – what kind of authentication methods do they use (SSL/TLS)? How secure is their server infrastructure, and how many different firewall rules does it have in place? Are there malicious attacks on other sites hosted on their servers that could compromise your site’s security if it’s not properly protected by an expert team of developers who know what they’re doing.

  • Reliability – how long has the company been in business?, What kind of support can they give you if something goes wrong? Do they have any history of slow response times or downtime?

Now that you’ve created a database and a user, it’s time to connect the two. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Go to your WordPress Dashboard. If you don’t see it there, click on Settings > General at the top of any page in your site (or click here for help).

  • Scroll down until you find Database Configuration at the bottom of that page and click into it so that all of its options are visible onscreen (see image below).

  • Scroll down again until you find Database Name under Database Settings and change it from “default” to whatever name suits your purposes—for example, “blog” might be good if this is where most users will store content relevant only to their websites; other possibilities include “photography” or even something completely random like “pizza.” The important thing here is keeping track of what kind would best suit each website’s needs!

Once you’ve decided on your blog format, the next step is to choose a WordPress theme. A good theme will be simple, clean and easy to read. You want one that has a responsive layout with touch support enabled so it looks good on both desktop and mobile devices.

You also want to look for themes that have been well reviewed by other users as well as ones which have good documentation available online (in case there are any issues).

Plugins are a great way to extend your website’s functionality. They can be found in the WordPress plugin repository, or you can install them from third party sources. Before installing any plugins on your site, make sure that they’re relevant for what you want to do with it and how many people will be using it.

Once you have created your WordPress site and added content, it’s time to add pages and posts. Pages are the main part of a website; they contain all of the information about your business or organization. Posts are smaller pieces of information that can be shared on your page.

To create a page:

  • Go to “Pages” in the left menu bar of your dashboard (top-right corner). This will open up a list of all available pages on your site.

  • Click on “Add New Page” at the top right corner. This will open up another menu with five options: Current Post, Previous Post, Next Post, Media Library (images/videos), and Archive List (older posts). Selecting one will allow us access to other options within that module only accessible through that particular type of content so don’t worry too much about choosing an option here if you’re unsure what works best for what needs doing!

  • Use keywords in your title and content.

  • Make sure your website is easy to navigate.

  • Ensure your website loads quickly.

  • Use schema markup on all pages of your site to make it easier for search engines to understand what you’re trying to say (and rank higher). Share posts on social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter so people who are interested in what you have written about can find out more about it!

  • Choose a domain name

  • Choose a web hosting provider

  • Setup WordPress on your domain

  • Choose a WordPress theme (optional)

  • Install plugins and widgets, if needed

  • Create pages and posts

We hope you’ve enjoyed this guide to creating your own WordPress website. If you follow these seven steps and have questions along the way, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to help!

Order a free hosting plan , you will also get a free sub-domain, SSL and one-click wordpress installer . Go with Gauravgo

GauravGo Vs Hostinger Vs GoDaddy – Top hosting providers in India -2024

top hosting providers in india
Hackathon problem statements

Top hosting providers in India GauravGo vs Hostinger vs GoDaddy Comparison

Web hosting services exist in different shapes and sizes, but if you’re looking for a low-cost solution, you may choose between GauravGo, Hostinger and GoDaddy ,these are the top hosting providers in india.

 To assist you, I have created a convenient GauravGo vs Hostinger vs GoDaddy comparison post that covers the features and services of each provider, as well as my opinion on which choice is best overall among the top hosting providers in india.

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Gauravgo began with the goal of creating new online companies and supporting current ones by offering the best web hosting company with the cost of shared hosting and the dependability of VPS hosting.

We also create next-generation games for India, which have been recognised by the PMO, MIETY, and Startup Odisha. Over the last two years, Gauravgo Technologies has created a large number of digital businesses, assisting them to stand on their own in the midst of today’s technological conflict, assisting entrepreneurs to launch their websites with complete business support and the correct way, assuring growth with 100% support and 0% stress and difficulty.

Hostinger is a web hosting company provider based in Lithuania. It was founded in 2004 as Hosting Media before changing its name to its present one in 2011. It provides name servers, sharing hosting, cloud hosting, Minecraft hosting, WordPress hosting, and VPS in addition to its primary web hosting offerings.

GoDaddy was created in the United States in 1997, is older than Hostinger. In addition to web hosting, it provides website design, domain registration, and SSL certificates. GoDaddy is often regarded as one of the world’s largest web hosting firms due to its reputation and durability.

Are you trying to decide between GauravGo, Hostinger and GoDaddy to host your website?

We’ll evaluate these three top hosting providers in india in five key areas to help you select the best solution for your requirements in our full comparison:

  • Key features
  • Performance
  • Support
  • Pricing
  • User experience

For this comparison, we’ll concentrate on each company’s shared hosting options.

Hostinger Features

Hostinger bundles a lot of services into all three hosting plans, including the most basic Single Shared Hosting option. Although not all services are offered in every plan. Below are some of the prospective Hostinger shared hosting features:

  • Unlimited websites.
  • Email accounts.
  • LiteSpeed server/caching.
  • A free SSL certificate for all plans.
  • WordPress acceleration.
  • Nameservers protected by Cloudflare.

GoDaddy Features

Although GoDaddy misses a few services that Hostinger has, it compensates with some really unusual free integrations and products. Among the notable features are:

  • Unlimited websites for most plans.
  • Unlimited storage for most plans.
  • Unmetered bandwidth for all plans.
  • A free year of Office 365 email.
  • A free domain with all plans.
  • Multiple databases.

GauravGo Features

GauravGo helps you improve your website’s online presence by providing the best web hosting, data backups,  strongest security, lightning-fast performance, advanced control panel, and best-in-class business support. Some of the features of GauravGo are:

  • Maximum performance
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • Unlimited SSD Storage
  • Different RAM Configuration
  • Mod Security
  • Best in-class support
  • Free Auto Lets Encrypt SSL
  • Maximum security
  • 99.9% uptime guarantee
  • Affordable price – 75% Less Than Others
  • 1 Month Free Trial
  • Free Automatic Backup
  • 1 Click Script Installer-Softaclous
  •  Dedicated DNS Manager

With all these features, we can definitely conclude Gauravgo as the best option.

GoDaddy stores data on antiquated HDDs, while GauravGo and Hostinger employ sophisticated SSDs that are faster and more stable. When it comes to web servers, GauravGo uses Apache along with  VPS core, and GoDaddy uses Apache, whereas Hostinger uses LiteSpeed.

Overall the performance of GauravGo is best as it provides highest RAM , best SSD ,CentOS servers  so the  user side will not face the speed issues.

GauravGo customer support

GauravGo has a benefit over the others since it offers 24/7 help and a phone system for clients to contact and you may also use the online chatbox or write an email. Along with all this GauravGo also provides knowledgebase and blogs to help you clear your doubts.

Hostinger customer support

Hostinger provides live chat and email assistance 24 hours a day, seven days a week. On the other hand, it does not presently provide phone support. In regards to online services, Hostinger has an instructional database, as well as a knowledgebase and a blog.

GoDaddy customer support

In the customer service game, GoDaddy has a benefit over Hostinger since it offers 24/7 help and a phone system for clients to contact. You may also use the online chatbox or write an email.

You should also consider whether you want to host multiple domains or just one & register Domain asap. For example, if you plan to create a blog, you might want to use a single domain name, such as www.myblog.com. However, if you plan to sell products online, you might want to register several different domain names, such as www.myshop.com, www.yourstore.com, and www.yourproduct.com.
Gauravgo provides a free web hosting plan as trail for a month , moreover the other web hosting plans of Gauravgo are 50% more affordable than Hostinger & Goddady.
There are many different types of web hosts available, each offering varying levels of features and services. Some offer free plans while others charge monthly fees. You should give Gauravgo Idea Plan  a try to get web hosting free  of cost for one months.

what is a web server

5 Easy Hackathon Problem Statements

5 Easy Hackathon Problem Statements

Hackathon problem statements are an vital part of the competitive hackathon process. These key statements describe the problem at hand that wishes learning and solving. If you have not started your hackathon/ competitive coding journey yet, understand that the hackathon journey can be like not anything you have felt before. In this article, we can provide you with a short on hackathons, hackathon problem statements, a way to address them, and additionally offer you with a repository of sample/ mock hackathon troubles for practice.

Hackathon problemA hackathon is an event, generally hosted through a tech organisation or organization, in which programmers get together for a brief time frame to collaborate on a project. The contributors work quickly and regularly work without sleep to attain their task, because the occasions normally only remaining 24 hours or take place over a weekend.

Hackathon problem statements are an vital part of the competitive hackathon process. These key statements describe the problem at hand that wishes learning and solving. If you have not started your hackathon/competitive coding journey yet, understand  that the hackathon journey can be like not anything you have felt before. In this article, we can provide you with a short on hackathons, hackathon problem statements, a way to address them, and additionally offer you with a repository of sample/ mock hackathon troubles for practice.

Working together produces better results than working alone, especially when it comes to innovating new ways to use technology and protect it from potential vulnerabilities. Hackathons allow people in the same industry to gather and learn from each other’s successes and failures. Professionals get to meet and collaborate, solve problems, share skills, and contribute to the development of better products.

A hackathon also means a lot of high-quality communication and new acquaintances. Even if you came with a group, you will make contacts with mentors, juries, or organisers. Each contact has the potential to result in a benefit, such as a shared project, a job offer, an investment, or simply timely advice.

Getting ideas, like being an entrepreneur who searches for issues to address, is not rocket science. You must also be aware of issues affecting your town, state, country, and the entire world.

As I previously stated, numerous factors must be considered when selecting a theme/project idea for a Hackathon. You should pose some thought-provoking questions to yourself and answer them objectively.

  • How will the Project Affect Society?
  • Is the Project Concept Viable?
  • Can I find the right people to implement it?
  • Will your Ideas and theories be something that people cannot live without?
  • Will the Product Survive?

We have additional issues to watch toward when it comes to the Hackathon, but I’ll stop here for now. So let’s get started with the main reason for assembling this Post: 5 easy hackathon problem statements.

Some of the easy topics of hackathon problem statements are given below-

An app that handles all of the challenges that college students experience, such as obtaining an internship or an employment, balancing their life and education, negotiating student loan debt, organising their assignments, establishing deadlines, and keeping track of their grades. It’s one of the most creative hackathon problem statements for beginners.

Hospitals and big medical institutions deal with a vast amount of data, records, and reports, such as transactional records, patients’ medical records, consult records, and so on. You may create a secure information management solution for patients and hospitals that keeps track of everything, regardless of doctor changes, health concerns, or anything else. With a single login, patients and doctors may access all of their information.

Hospitals and big medical institutions deal with a vast amount of data, records, and reports, such as transactional records, patients’ medical records, consult records, and so on. You may create a secure information management solution for patients and hospitals that keeps track of everything, regardless of doctor changes, health concerns, or anything else. With a single login, patients and doctors may access all of their information.

Some industries and vocations are more risky than others. It is a big problem to keep people safe or perhaps even secured in these jobs. You may apply cutting-edge technology to remove or decrease risk and problems. And if you can create anything that can replace employees in these industries, it will be a huge relief. If you’re searching for a nice hackathon project idea, consider this one.

Every month, about 1 billion individuals use Google Maps throughout the world. This excellent programme with GPS technology, which can be used on a smartphone or in a vehicle, is practically everyone’s guide on dangerous routes. The software may also track the exact speed of the car. We can create a decent system that tracks speed and generates an automated e-challan for overspeeding with some good code and a little bit of intelligence. It will be a less expensive option for a larger goal.

These are a few of the topics of hackathon problem statements.  We hope this post continues to inspire and encourages you to work on a long term project. If you want to know more about about hackathon then you can visit the official website. If you enjoyed this post, please share it.

In order to carry out your project, you must first create a domain. GauravGo can be very useful in this situation. We offer a variety of plans. In addition, we offer free hosting plans. Engage in a hackathon, focus on a creative project, and build your own website; we’ll be there to help you succeed.

To know more about us click here.

10 Great sources to learn web development for free

learn web development online

How to learn web development online

We all know that there are a tonne of options for self-starters to start today due to the Internet. The days of paying outrageous sums of money to acquire the abilities necessary for success are long gone. Online tutorials are posted by countless outstanding developers who are kind enough to share their skills and help you learn web development online. The second-largest search engine in the world “YouTube” is the place where lots of web development courses are found.10 Great Websites to learn web development for free .

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learn web hosting onlineAman Dhattarwal and his colleagues are the face of the Apna College channel, which provides an excellent animation education in web development. The course is taught by a man with no programming experience who finished Google Summer of Code. Apna College’s videos are seen by 2.78 million subscribers and 25 million views on the channel.

Gauravgo imageHaris Khan, the idol of Indian students, demonstrates people how to code swiftly on his channel, Code with Harry, utilising techniques that he spent years perfecting. Harry has over 100 videos in his Web programming Playlist that cover all you need to know to master web programming, from the principles to developing a fully working responsive website. Code with Harry, which has 3.35 million subscribers, has been seen by over 111 million people.

Gauravgo imageClever Programmer, one of my preferred YouTube channels created by Rafeh Qazi, has one of the greatest courses for learning web programming online. This channel offers everything from practical tips to website clones and how to earn a six-figure income as a developer. Clever Programmer now has over 1.18 million subscribers and over 39 million views. I really recommend that you check out this channel if you haven’t already.

Gauravgo imageIt is unnecessary to introduce Traversy Media. “Traversy Media provides the best online web development and programming tutorials for all of today’s web technologies, including Node.js, Angular 2, React.js, PHP, Rails, HTML, CSS, and much more,” according to the website’s about section. Traversy Media now has 138 million views and 1.96 million subscribers.

Gauravgo imageI’ll let Web Dev Simplified’s description speak for itself. The main goal of Web Dev Simplified is to effectively and practically educate web development skills and practises. If you’re just starting out in web development, Web Dev Simplified provides all the resources you need to become a full-stack developer by learning the newest and most in-demand technologies. For those seasoned web developers, Web Dev Simplified also delves deeply into advanced topics using the most recent best practises. Currently, this channel has 1.08M subscribers and 28 million viewers.

Gauravgo imageMore than 1,000 tutorials in Modern JavaScript (basic to advanced), Node.js, React, Vue.js, Firebase, MongoDB, HTML & CSS, PHP & MySQL, Laravel, React Native, and Flutter are available on The Net Ninja. One of the networks that draws viewers from word-of-mouth advertising. 1.01M subscribers and 83 million viewers collectively watch The Net Ninja.

Gauravgo imageYou may learn web development through the courses and tutorials that Max & Manuel at Academind create. No matter if it’s popular frameworks like ReactJS, Angular, or VueJS, runtimes like NodeJS, or programming languages like JavaScript. They have your back. Currently, Academind has 827k subscribers and 52 million plays.

Gauravgo imageOn his channel, Adam Khoury offers assistance in learning many technologies, including JavaScript, PHP, SQL, HTML, CSS, and ActionScript. His videos are brief, coherent, and powerful. Currently, Adam’s YouTube channel has 197k followers and more than 32 million total views.

Gauravgo imageWith the aid of well-liked frameworks like Vue.js and Laravel, Quentin Watt explains technologies like JavaScript and PHP. He creates brief video tutorials with his more than ten years of experience to help people learn the skills they need to advance their careers. Currently, Quentin’s YouTube channel has 162k subscribers and 19,000,000 views.

Gauravgo imageBrad at LearnWebCode delivers interesting tutorials on a variety of topics, including HTML, CSS, MongoDB, API, JSON, and Bootstrap. LearnWebCode is a channel that provides a brief summary of concepts and aids in their quick understanding, boasting 326k subscribers and 20 million views. Presently, LearnWebCode’s YouTube channel has 288k followers and 19 million views.

The hardest aspect of beginning a career in web development can be getting started. But if you do, you might be shocked at how much you can learn using the online tools at your disposal in only one day. Then, all that is left is for you to focus on honing your skills for your new career. 

These are the top 10 YouTubers who publish tutorials on web development, so there you have it. We hope this list inspires you and motivates you to work for your objectives. Please share this list if you like it.

You will need a domain after creating a website in order to run it. In this case, GauravGo can be quite useful. We provide numerous plans. Additionally, we provide a free web hosting  plan. Learn web development and create your own website, and we’ll be here to help it succeed.

To know more about us click here.

How much website development cost in india 2022

How much website development cost in india – 2024

How much website development cost in india

How much website development cost in india 2022

How much website development cost in india 2022

How Much Does It Cost To Build A Website?

How much website development cost in india 2024 ! Building a website from scratch isn’t as expensive as you might think. In fact, there are many free tools available online that can help you build a website without spending a dime.

Web Development , Updated - 25/9/22 , Read Time- 10 Min

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So, you have decided to bring a website for your company or shop in 2024. Great Decision! Now the alternate point that comes to mind is “ which company to elect for website development and how much does a website cost? ” Let’s upkeep reading to know the factual cost to make a website in India written by our website designers.

Before you dive straight into, “ which is the stylish company for Website Development in India ” or “ how important will the website development cost ”, you should take a view at the significance of having a website in India.

How much website development cost in India , keep reading to know more about it .

The first step towards the online journey is to book a domain. There are many domains selling agencies like Gauravgo,GoDaddy, BlueHost, and Google that could help you in searching and buying the domain name to represent your business online.

You can search on the internet to find domain prices from different domain name providers in India. This is the first factor that affects the website cost. A premium domain may cost you higher.

How much website development cost in India , keep reading to know more about it .

 To keep your website file, you need a server called a computer that is always connected to the Internet. For this, you need a hosting provider (Ex: – Gauravgo , Namecheap, Bluehost, Siteground, Dreamhost, etc.).there are a few things that you should understand before it comes to cost.

Like RAM and storage in your mobile is limited. The same is the case with the webserver. RAM number of your mobile The number of apps you can run simultaneously (depending on the size of the server) of the server determines how many visitors it can handle at a time.

Hosting costs, you can also get it for free (with many restrictions on RAM, storage, etc.). I would only recommend who is learning web development and has a tight budget.

You should opt for good paid hosting. Which starts at around 3k to 5k per year (enough for most of the small and medium-size). There are also dedicated hosting which many large organizations choose for which can cost more than 10K INR per month.

SSL: – (Green padlock symbol with the word safe in the URL bar in most browsers). You can get it for free, but many providers have paid host providers, this is just a click or contact for support. Free certificate if sufficient in most cases of small and medium businesses.

Business Email: – This is also something you can get for free. Many hosting providers offer 5 or more free emails with most of their hosting plans. 5 emails is sufficient for most small and medium-sized businesses. In case you require unlimited email, little research is required and many hosting providers offer it free of cost along with their hosting plans.

Cost of migration: – For medium-sized informational websites (like school, college, etc.) from just a few hours to a day. It depends on the developer how much he charges. If your site is on CMS like WordPress, Joomla, etc.

Let’s come to the most important part that is known for a specific customer and the most variable cost.

How much website development cost in India , keep reading to know more about it .

This is where the actual web design starts. The biggest chunk of your web design price list in India will depend on how you want the design for your website.

Let us take a DIY template, theme and a custom-designed website. You can change the template any way you want but to only a certain extent. When we think about custom designs, the budget will be high.

Rather than choosing a website builder, WordPress would be a better option that is economical for small businesses as well.

Time and Pricing

Time to create stunning designs for a website varies accordingly. Since themes and templates are readily available, it might take one week to get them altered. On the other hand, to sketch, design, and dispatch a custom web design might take 2-3 months.

As far as the pricing is concerned, it solely depends on the work the designer and developer has to put. To create a custom web design layout, a web design company in India has to start from scratch, skyrocketing the costs to up to INR 5000- INR 15,000 per page.

If there are advanced features such as membership login, payment integration, or retrieving user data, you can expect the costs to creep higher.

How much website development cost in India , keep reading to know more about it .

The cost of your website will depend on the type of site you need, and the number of features you require. However, to give you an idea of how much you’ll need to spend, we’ve provided the average costs of using a web designer for different websites below…

Type of website

Basic :

  • 1-5 mobile responsive pages
  • Contact page
  • Landing page
  • Cost : $500 – $1000

Small business :

  • Several pages
  • Social media integration
  • ‘Google my Business’ page
  • Google Analytics and Maps
  • Cost : $1000 – $10000


  • Ecommerce tools
  • Order management system
  • Delivery tracking functionality
  • Live chat
  • Cost : $1000 – $15000

Of course, the cheapest option for building and maintaining a website is the DIY option. There are several website builders on the market which allow you to create a website from scratch, for free, with no technical experience. Website builders are great for creating a simple site that can fit into a pre-designed template (e.g. restaurant, online shop). However, for a more sophisticated and unique website we would always recommend using an experienced web developer.

How much website development cost in India , keep reading to know more about it .

You should also consider whether you want to host multiple domains or just one & register Domain asap. For example, if you plan to create a blog, you might want to use a single domain name, such as www.myblog.com. However, if you plan to sell products online, you might want to register several different domain names, such as www.myshop.com, www.yourstore.com, and www.yourproduct.com.
There are many different types of web hosts available, each offering varying levels of features and services. Some offer free plans while others charge monthly fees. You should give Gauravgo Idea Plan  a try to get web hosting free  of cost for one months.

How much website development cost in India ,and we have many answers for it ,lets look on some references  –

 Some best reference articles on web , Read more –

  1. How to buy a domain name from Gauravgo.com?

  2. How to buy shared hosting from Gauravgo.com?

  3. Web Hosting Challenges And It’s Solutions

How much website development cost in india 2022

What Is Web Server And How Does It Work?

online business startup

What Is Web Server
And How Does It Work?
Simplified Guide For 2024

To put it simply, a server is a computer that stores files and makes them available to other computers over the Internet.

Servers store information on websites, which are collections of text, images, videos, and other media. They also provide access to those sites by making them accessible through the World Wide Web.

Web Development , Updated - 25/9/22 , Read Time- 10 Min

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A web server is a computer program that provides access to files stored on a networked computer. These files include documents, photos, music, movies, and other types of data. When you visit a website, your browser connects to the web server and requests specific pages from the site. The web server then sends back the requested page to your browser.
Once you have decided on a host, you need to choose between types of hosting like – shared and dedicated hosting.
Shared hosts are cheaper than dedicated ones, but they also mean that more users are sharing the same hardware. This can cause performance issues and slow down your site. On the other hand, dedicated servers give you complete control over your own hardware, so you can make sure everything runs smoothly.
The most common type of web server is called Apache. It’s open source software that allows users to create and manage websites. You can use Apache to host multiple websites on one computer. If you want to set up a website, you’ll need to purchase hosting services from a company that offers web space (the amount of storage available) and bandwidth (how much data you can send and receive).
When choosing a hosting service, there are several factors to consider. The first thing to look at is whether the host offers unlimited disk space, bandwidth, email accounts, and domain name registration. You should also be sure that the host has enough resources available to handle peak traffic times. Finally, you want to choose a host that provides 24/7 support.
The first step in choosing a hosting service is determining whether you want to host one website or many. If you plan to host multiple websites, then you should choose a service that offers unlimited bandwidth. Unlimited bandwidth means that your site will be able to receive as much data from visitors as possible without running into problems.
A web server is a computer program that stores data on a networked computer system. The data stored on the server is called content. Content includes files such as HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) documents, graphics, audio, video, and software applications. Websites are usually hosted on a web server.
There are three main types of web servers: Shared, Virtual private Server (VPS), and Dedicated.
Shared Hosting  is when multiple websites share one set of hardware. You pay a monthly fee for access to the server, and each website gets its own space on the hard disk. If you use too much bandwidth, you will be charged extra. 
VPS stands for virtual private server. This type of server provides a lot of flexibility and allows you to customize your own server. You can choose between Linux and Windows operating systems. If you need additional storage space, you can purchase extra hard drives.
Dedicated Server  is a computer system that is specifically designed to host one website. It is usually more expensive than other hosting plans because it requires more technical expertise to set up and maintain. However, it offers greater security and performance than shared hosting.
If you want to set up a website, you need to first decide what type of server you will use. There are two main types of servers: shared hosting and dedicated hosting. Shared hosting means that multiple people share one server. Dedicated hosting means that only one user has access to the server at any given time.
When you visit a website, your computer connects to the Internet via a network of computers called the internetwork. These computers are connected to each other using special devices called routers. Each router has a unique IP address, which identifies the location of the device on the internetwork. The IP addresses are assigned to companies and organizations who use the internetwork to connect their own computers to the rest of the world.
If you want to set up a website, you  need to choose a web hosting service. There are many different types of web hosts available, each offering different features and services. Some offer unlimited storage space, while others limit the amount of data you can upload. You should always check the terms and conditions before signing up for a web host.
There are two types of web servers: static and dynamic. Static web servers store data files such as HTML pages, CSS stylesheets, JavaScript, and image files. Dynamic web servers use CGI scripts to generate content dynamically based on user input. For example, if a visitor enters a search term into a form field, the web server would send back a page listing results from a database query using that term.
You should also consider whether you want to host multiple domains or just one & register Domain asap. For example, if you plan to create a blog, you might want to use a single domain name, such as www.myblog.com. However, if you plan to sell products online, you might want to register several different domain names, such as www.myshop.com, www.yourstore.com, and www.yourproduct.com.
There are many different types of web hosts available, each offering varying levels of features and services. Some offer free plans while others charge monthly fees. You should give Gauravgo Idea Plan  a try to get web hosting free  of cost for one months.

what is a web server